Here’s another glorious feather in Matej Kren’s already illustrious hat of creating book-stacking wonders. The ‘Scanner’ installation at the Museum of Modern Art in Bologna (MAMbo) in Italy, is a magnificent tunnel of books urging the onlookers to reflect while asserting the visual confusion and structural grandeur of its design.
Pic Credits: Matej Kren
Kren has developed the masterpiece Scanner for MAMbo and the Slovakian Centre for Information on Literature. The installation is on display at the seminal event of a local children’s book fair. While we always thought that books are the building blocks of any society, Kren has taken it to a literal and physical realm as he uses books as building materials.
Pic Credits: Matej Kren
MAMbo said in a statement on Kren’s “Scanner”:
” The narrow inside space, multiplied and complicated by mirrors, evoke a sensation of sublime terror, an alteration referring to a puzzling infinity itself created to destabilize conventional spatial habits. Mirrors become an instrument to create illusion and, at the same time, to unmask it. Since the public can easily see themselves reflected in a false infinite – thus discovering the illusion – the problem becomes the latency of perception.”
Pic Credits: Matej Kren
What are your thoughts on this unique and inspirational design and beautiful blending of ingenious architecture built on the building blocks of literature?
Pic Credits: Matej Kren
Comment below!
- http://FajarNurzaman.Net/mistery-konspirasi/this-structure-in-italy-has-been-built-from-thousands-of-books/
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